Victoria Knot, How to tie a tie step by step guide

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Victoria Knot – How to tie a tie

Victoria knot is not symmetrical and medium in size. It is easy to learn and mostly use to wear on business or social events. It is recommended to wear with point collars or button-down collars. If you are here to learn how to tie a tie, must learn how to tie a victoria knot using the steps below.

  1. Drape the necktie around your collar
  2. Make an X-shape
  3. Make a horizontal band in front
  4. Make a horizontal band behind the knot
  5. Make a horizontal band again
  6. Tuck the thick end into the collar loop from behind
  7. Feed the thick end to the horizontal band
  8. Adjust the tie
Victoria Knot
Victoria Knot
  1. Drape the necktie around your collar

Drape the necktie around your collar

Drape the necktie around your collar in such a way that the seam should be facing upward and the thick end of the tie should be on your left side. Also, the thick end should be 2-3 inches lower than the final position of the tie after completion.


  1. Make an X-shape

Make an X-shape10

Cross the thick end in front of the think end making an X-shape and then cross it from behind to the left.


  1. Make a horizontal band in front

Make a horizontal band in front

Pass the thick end from left to the right across the front.


  1. Make a horizontal band behind the knot

Make a horizontal band behind the knot

Pass the thick end from right to the left from behind the knot.


  1. Make a horizontal band again

Make a horizontal band again

Bring the thick end from left to the right in front of the tie knot making a horizontal band. Slip your finger into the newly created horizontal band.


  1. Tuck the thick end into the collar loop from behind

Tuck the thick end into the collar loop from behind5

Flip the thick end up from behind the tie knot and tuck it into the collar loop.


  1. Feed the thick end to the horizontal band

Feed the thick end to the horizontal band1

Bring the thick end down through the collar and loop and by feeding the horizontal band in the way down.


  1. Adjust the tie

Adjust the tie

Finally, adjust the tie by tightening the tie knot holding with one hand, and pulling the narrow end with the other hand.


Different Styles of Tie Knot:

How to tie a tie basic knot

Four in Hand Knot

Half Windsor knot

Full Windsor Knot

Balthus Knot

Bow Tie Knot

Cafe Knot Tie

Christensen Tie Knot

Eldredge Knot

Grantchester Knot Tie

Hanover Knot

Kelvin Knot

Nicky Knot

Plattsburgh Knot

Pratt Knot

St Andrews Knot

Trinity Knot

Victoria Knot


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