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Bow Tie

Bow Tie Knot, How to tie a tie step by step blog

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Bow Tie Knot – How to tie a tie

The bow tie is the symbol of formality and is a most suited elegant knot. It is very easy to learn. It is best suited to aged persons and is mostly regulated on formal events. In the way of learning how to tie a tie, the bow tie is the most formal tie knot. Follow the below steps in order to learn how to tie a bow tie knot.

  1. Drape the tie around your neck
  2. Making an X-shape
  3. Making a loop around the neck
  4. Create a bow shape
  5. Bring the longer end down
  6. Pinch the newly created fold
  7. Create two wings
  8. Tug the bow loops behind the wings
  9. Adjust the bow tie
  10. Final adjustments
Bow Tie
Bow Tie


1- Drape the tie around your neck

Drape the tie around your neck
Drape the tie around your neck

Drape the tie around your neck in such a way that the right side should be longer than the left side with the seams facing down.


2- Making an X-shape

Making an X-shape just below the chin, place the right end over the left end.


3- Making a loop around the neck

Put the longer end behind the X-shape making a loop around the neck creating a simple knot. Pull it tightly and let the longer end rest on your shoulder.


4- Create a bow shape

Create a bow shape
Create a bow shape

To create a bow shape, fold the shorter end right first and then left.


5- Bring the longer end down

Bring the longer end down
Bring the longer end down

Bring the longer end down, while holding the bow, across the middle of the bow.


6- Pinch the newly created fold

Pinch the newly created fold
Pinch the newly created fold

Now fold it back towards the chest and pinch the newly created fold.


7- Create two wings

Create two wings
Create two wings

To create two wings, push the fold through the loop that is behind the shorter end.


8- Tug the bow loops behind the wings

Tug the bow loops behind the wings
Tug the bow loops behind the wings

To tighten, tug the bow loops behind the wings.


9- Adjust the bow tie

Adjust the bow tie
Adjust the bow tie

Until the bow is symmetrical, adjust the bow tie.


10- Final adjustments

Make sure your bowtie lies flat and horizontal, making final adjustments.


Different Styles of Tie Knot:

How to tie a tie basic knot

Four in Hand Knot

Half Windsor knot

Full Windsor Knot

Balthus Knot

Bow Tie Knot

Cafe Knot Tie

Christensen Tie Knot

Eldredge Knot

Grantchester Knot Tie

Hanover Knot

Kelvin Knot

Nicky Knot

Plattsburgh Knot

Pratt Knot

St Andrews Knot

Trinity Knot

Victoria Knot


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