Term and formula in Predicate logic
Term and formula in Predicate logic A Formal Language Predicate Logic provides a way to formalize natural language so that ambiguity is removed. A predicate logic formula involved two sorts of…
Term and formula in Predicate logic A Formal Language Predicate Logic provides a way to formalize natural language so that ambiguity is removed. A predicate logic formula involved two sorts of…
Predicate Logic A predicate is a statement that contains variables (predicate variables) and that may be true or false depending on the values of these predicate variables. Predicates are the…
Horn clauses and satisfiability Horn formulas are conjunctions of Horn clauses. Horn clauses are an implication whose assumption (left side of the arrow) A is a conjunction of the proposition…
Conjunctive normal form A literal L is either an atom p or the negation of an atom ¬p. If a formula is a conjunction of clauses, where each clause D…
The logic of soundness and completeness The logic of soundness and completeness is to check whether a formula φ is valid or not. To prove a given formula φ, there are…
Propositional logic- formal language Propositional Logic (PL) is a formal language, which has syntax, a set of symbols, and semantics. It is not a natural language such as English. All…
Natural deduction Natural deduction System for a structured deduction from a set of assumptions, based on rules, specific to the logical connectives. The way of proving that an argument is…
Propositional logic-introduction Propositional logic or 0th order is the branch of logic that studies ways of joining as well as modifying entire propositions, statements or sentences to form a more…
Declarative sentence Declarative Sentence (Statement) makes a statement, states a fact or an argument and ends with a full stop/period. It declares something, as it is named appropriately. Declarative sentences…
Prolog-Logical Paradigm Prolog, Programming in logic, is a declarative programming language that is based on the ideas of logic programming. Prolog was an idea to make the logic look like…