Software Engineering Needs

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Software Engineering Needs

The Software Engineering Needs come because of the high rate of change for the requirements and environment of the user in the software is working. So some of the software engineering needs are given below….

  • Cost :

The hardware industry and huge manufacturing have shown and lower down the price of the electronic hardware and computer. If the proper process is not adapted to the best price of the software remains high.

  • Quality Management:

The software development process that provides a better and quality software product.

  • Scalability :

In the process of scalability if the software does not base on the engineering and scientific concepts. So it is easy to re-create the new software on the base of the existing one.

  • Large software:

In the process of large software, it is easy to build a wall than a house. Same as the size of the software becomes large, the software engineer has given the scientific process steps.

Characteristics of software engineering:

The following characteristics of software engineering are given below….

  1. The software does not wear out:

The environments of the software are melodies and do not any effect with the time.

  1. The software is developed:

The process of developing the software depends on only individual skills and creative abilities and something is not automatically roll out.

  1. The software is high Malleable:

In the software malleable case itself, only one product of software can be modified and rather without necessary changed easily.

  1. Operational:

The operation of the software can be measured on the following….

  • Dependability
  • Usability
  • Correctness
  • Budget
  • Efficiency
  • Functionality
  • Safety
  • Security
  1. Maintenance:
  • Scalability
  • Real-time software
  • Flexibility
  • Modularity
  • Maintainability
  1. Transitional:
  • Reusability
  • Interoperability
  • Portability
  • Adaptability

Software Engineering Applications:

Today, the current computer software engineer has present the following broad categories for the software engineering application.

  • Personal Computer Software definition (PCSD):

Any person can be used the personal computer software in both home and office.

For Example:

Laptop and Desktop PC

  • Artificial intelligence application software (AISA):

In this process, the software engineer makes an algorithm that can be used to solve complex problems. So this application can also include the areas of the expert system, image and recognition, pattern recognition, game playing theorem problem technique, neural network and robotics.

  • The system Software application (SSA):

The system software should control all external and internal operation of the computer system. The system software is a collection of services that should be written in the program. Other applications of the system software such as networking software, drivers, telecommunication processors, largely indeterminate data and operating system components (OPC).

  • The business Software application(BSA):

This software is mostly used to control and manage the financial activities. So the basic components in this domain such as an inventory system, accounts, and payroll.

  • The real-time Software application (RTSA) :

In this class of software that control and manage the events as they occur in the real world and analyzing and observe the real-world problem.

  • Product-line application (PLA):

Many of the customers can design and provide the product of the software.

  • Mobile Software application (MSA):

Mobile software used both browser apps and other software.

  • The embedded Software application (ESA):

In a world mostly software engineering hard work at home on the software projects and also work in further categories. Some time to build the new system but much other existing application is also being adapted, enhanced and corrected. As compared to the new young software engineer to past generation old software engineer she or he that also left a legacy in each of the categories.

Legacy software for genealogy


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