Advantages Of Database Management System

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Advantages Of Database Management System

Advantages of Database Management System are as follows:

  • Controlling Data Redundancy
  • Data Consistency
  • Data Sharing
  • Data Integration
  • Integrity Constraints
  • Data security
  • Data Atomicity
  • Database Access Language
  • Development of Application
  • Creating Forms
  • Report Writes
  • Control Over Concurrency
  • Backup and Recovery Procedure
  • Data Independency
  • Advanced Capability

Controlling Data Redundancy

In non-database system each application program has its own files. In this case, the duplicated copies of the same data are created at many places in the same file.

In DBMS the data redundancy can be controlled or reduced but is no removed completely. Sometime, it is necessary to create the duplicate copies of same data items in order to relate tables with each other. By controlling the data redundancy you can save storage space in the system.

Data Consistency

By controlling the data redundancy the data consistency is obtained in the system. If a data item that appears only once, any update to its value has must to be performed only once and the updated value is immediately available to all users.It is one of the most important advantages of database management system.

If the DBMS has reduced redundancy to its minimum level, the database system enforces consistency. It means that when a data item appears more than once in the database and that is updated, the DBMS automatically updates each occurrence of the data item in the database of the same file.

Data Sharing

In DBMS, data can be shared by authorized users with in the organization. The DBA manages the data and gives right to the users to access the data. Many users of the organization have the authority to access the same set of information simultaneously. The remote users also share the same data. Similarly the data of the same database can be shared between different application programs.

Data Integration

 In DBMS, data in database is stored in tables or relation. A single database contains multiple tables and relationships that can be created between tables. That makes easy to retrieve and update data.It is one of the most important advantages of database management system.

Integrity Constraints

Integrity constraints or consistency rules must be applies to database so that the correct data can be entered into the database without any duplication or redundancy. The constraints may be applied to data item within a single record or may be applied to relationship between records.It is one of the most important advantages of database management system.

Most of the DBMSs provide the facility for applying the integrity constraints. The database designer identifies integrity constraints during database design. The application programmer can also identifies the integrity constraints in the program code during developing the application program. The integrity constraints are automatically checked at the time of data entry or when the record is updated with in file.

Data Security

Data security is the protection of database from unauthorized users. Only the authorized persons of the organization are allowed to access the database. Some of the users may be allowed to access only or some part of database i.e. the data that is similar or related to them or related to their department. Mostly the DBA or head of department have the authority to access all the data in the database. Some users may be permitted only to retrieve the data, whereas others are allowed to retrieve as well as to update data.It is one of the most important advantages of database management system.

Most of the DBMSs provide the security sub-system, which the DBA uses to create accounts of users and to specify account restriction. The user enter his/her account number and password to access the data from database.

Data Atomicity

A transection in commercial database is referred to as atomic unit of work.

For example when you purchase something from a point of sale terminal a number of tasks are performed such as

  • Company stock is updated.
  • Amount is added in company’s account.
  • Sales person’s commission increases etc.

All these tasks collectively are called an atomic unit of work or transection. These tasks must be completed; otherwise partially completed tasks are rolled back or may be lost or corrupt. Thus through DBMS, it is ensured that only consistent data exists within the database and inconsistent may not be allowed.

Database Access Language

Most of the DBMSs provide SQL as standard base access language. It provides the facility to access data from multiple tables of a database.It is also one of the most important advantages of database management system.

Development of Application

The cost and time for developing new applications is also reduced and programmer can perform many task at one time. The DBMS provides tool that can be used to develop application programs.It is also one of the most important advantages of database management system.

Creating Forms

Forms is very important object of the DBMS. You can create Forms very easily and quickly in DBMS in efficient manner. Once a form is created, it can be used many times and can be modified very easily. The created forms are also saved along with database and behave like a software component of the same file.

A form provides very easy to enter data into the database, edit data and display data in database. The non-technical user can also perform various operation on database through form without going into the technical detail of a database.

Report Writers

Most of the DBMSs provide the report writer tools used to create reports. The users can create reports very easily, quickly, efficiently and correctly. Once a report is created, it can be used many times at multiple place and it can be modified very easily. The created reports are also saved along with database and behave a software component.

Control Over Concurrency

In a computer file based system, if two users are allowed to access the same data at the same time, it is possible that they will interfere with each other. For example, if both user attempt to perform update operation on the same record, then one may overwrite the values recorded by the other. Most DBMSs have sub-system to control the concurrency so that transections are always recorded with accuracy.

Backup and Recovery Procedure

In a computerized file based system the user creates the backup of data regularly or timely to protect the valuable and precious data from damaging due to failures to the computer system or application program. It is time consuming method, if the volume of data is large. Most of the DBMSs provide the facility of “backup and recovery” sub-system that automatically create the backup of data and restore data if required.

Data Independence

The separation of data structure of database from application program that is used to access data from database is called Data Independence. In DBMS, the database and application program are separated from each other. The DBMS sit in between them. You can easily change the structure of database without modifying the application program in an efficient and well manner.

On the other hand in computerized file based system the structure of data items are built into the individual application program of the same file. Thus the data is dependent on the data file and vice versa for data independency of the same file.

Advanced Capability

DBMS also provide advance capability for online access and reporting of data through internet. Today most of the database system are online. The database technology is used in conjunction with internet technology to access data on the web servers.

Database Management System


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