Type Conversion & Casting
Type conversion is used when we want to assign the value of one data type to another data type. There are two types of conversion in C#.
- Automatic Type Conversion / Implicit Type Conversion
- Explicit Type Conversion
Automatic Type Conversion
If the data types are of the same type (e.g. numeric) then the C# compiler does automatic type conversion. OR when we assign a smaller data type value to bigger data type value C# does automatic type conversion. In C# numeric data types are compatible with each other so in these data type automatic conversion is possible, but when we try to assign a numeric data type to a string type then it is a compile-time error. Because these are not the same. For example, when we assign a Boolean type to a char type then again it’s a compile-time error. C# does not support automatic type conversion in incompatible data types. The numeric type conversion is done in the following order.
byte -> short -> int -> long -> float -> double
The above line explains that a smaller data type can be converted into a bigger data type. But if we try to convert a bigger data type into a smaller one then it will give us a false result. For example, if we try to convert int into long then it will be converted easily because int has 4-bytes size and long has 8-bytes so it is not a problem for long to hold a value of 4-bytes. Now if we convert a long into int then the int will only hold 4-bytes and other 4-bytes will be lost. It will be a compile-time error. This can be achieved by explicit type casting which we’ll discuss after this.
The following table shows the automatic type conversion supported by C#.
Convert From | Convert To |
byte | short, int, long, float, double |
short | int, long, float, double |
int | long, float, double |
long | float, double |
float | double |
In this example, we’ll see how the automatic type conversion in C#.
// C# program to demonstrate the
// Implicit Type Conversion
using System;
namespace TypeConversionEXP{
class Zitoc {
// Main Method
public static void Main(String []args)
int num1 = 60;
// automatic type conversion
long num2 = num1;
// automatic type conversion
float num3 = num2;
// Display Result
Console.WriteLine("Int value " +num1);
Console.WriteLine("Long value " +num2);
Console.WriteLine("Float value " +num3);
Int value 60
Long value 60
Float value 60
Explicit Type Casting
Now let’s see what happens when we try to assign a one data type to another data type in automatic type conversion. This program will result in an error because we are converting a bigger data type into a smaller data type.
// C# program to illustrate incompatible data
// type for explicit type conversion
using System;
namespace TypeConversionExp2
class zitoc
// Main Method
public static void Main(String []args)
long d = 934.12;
// Incompatible Data Type
byte b = d;
// Display Result
Console.WriteLine("Value of i is ", +i);
prog.cs(14,21): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type long to byte. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)
When we convert a bigger data type to a smaller data type then explicit type casting is required. The main point here is that if we convert a bigger data type to a smaller data type through explicit type conversion than it will result in data loss. It is also called lossy conversion. Let’s explain it through an example.
// C# program to demonstrate the
// Explicit Type Conversion
using System;
namespace Casting{
class GFG
// Main Method
public static void Main(String []args)
double num = 823.78;
// Explicit Type Casting
int num2 = (int)num;
// Display Result
Console.WriteLine("Value of num2 is " +num2);
Value of num2 is 823
It’s a lossy conversion. We have lost 0.78 value.
Below is given a table of methods that C# provides for explicit conversion.
Method | Details |
ToChar | It will convert other types to char type value |
ToBoolean | It will convert other types to Boolean type value |
ToByte | It will convert other types to byte type value |
ToDouble | It will convert other types to double type value |
ToString | It will convert other types to string type value |
ToDecimal | It will convert other types to Decimal type value |
ToInt16 | It will convert other types to 16-bit integer type value |
ToInt32 | It will convert other types to 32-bit integer type value |
ToInt64 | It will convert other types to 64-bit integer type value |
ToUInt16 | It will convert other types to an unsigned 16-bit integer value |
ToUInt32 | It will convert other types to an unsigned 32-bit integer value |
ToUInt64 | It will convert other types to an unsigned 64-bit integer value |
// C# program to demonstrate the
// Built- In Type Conversion Methods
using System;
namespace ExplicitTypeCastingExp
class Zitoc
// Main Method
public static void Main(String []args)
int num1 = 20;
double num2 = 871.67;
float num3 = 89.1F;
// Using Built- In Type Conversion
// Methods & Displaying Result
Point to Note:
Always remember that when applying explicit conversion in larger to smaller keep in mind that it can cause a logical error. Your output will be changed.