Top 10 Best Psychology Bachelor Online Degree Universities Ranking List

Psychology Bachelor Online Degree and University Ranking

Psychology bachelor online degree is one of the most favorite programs on the internet. The reason of its importance is that you have many options after bachelorship.

 A bachelor in psychology can start his own clinic. A psychology bachelor degree can build a path for your career. You can set your career for counseling or can get admission in masters. It can also open the door of opportunities in business, criminal justice, and social work as well as many more options. It is very easy to get a degree, due to online psychology courses, for those who can’t make a foreign journey.

The importance of online degree especially psychology online degree is that it is preferred just like the regular degree of a university.

The things which are important for an online program are that you should the ranking of the university. Then you should check whether the degree from the university will have the worth or not.

Psychology Bachelor Online Degree Program Ranking Methodology

On the basis of the quality and range of the course, we selected some programs in different universities. It is compulsory to tell you that we also ranked on the basis of school award, ranking, reputations, and worth of the degree.

Psychology Bachelor Online Degree Best Universities

  1. Washington State University (Pullman, Washington)

Washington State University

Washington State University offers psychology bachelor online degree. The university has a partnership with colleges having 2 years degree to connect associate and bachelor degree. The students willing to get admission in WSU should confirm whether they can transfer and their associate degree will fulfill the requirements or not.

WSU has 35 credit hours for major coursework. These 35 credit hours at least contain 10 credit hours from psychology course. Students have to take at least two classes from following elective courses: clinical/counseling, neuroscience/cognition, and social/motivation.

WSU has some different subjects than other universities. For example, students cover the topics related to the biopsychological effect of drugs and human behavior disorder. Effect of human nature of sexuality is also part of the course. Elective subjects contain at least one lab and one foreign language.

The program included following psychology bachelor online degree courses:

  • Psychology as Science
  • Experimental Methods in Psychology
  • Elementary Statistics in Psychology
  • Introductory Psychology
  1. Oregon State University (Corvallis, Oregon)

Oregon State University

Oregon State University is offering two courses in psychology online degree, BS in psychology and BA in psychology. OSU faculty delivers lectures online as well as in class. It means that online students attend the same classes as regular students. Also, the university allows the students who are near to the university to attend the classes face to face.

University treats all the students in the same way whether they are regular or online students. OSU provides all the facilities like tutors, mentors, success counseling and course to the online students as they provide to the regular students.

OSU study plan has 180 credit hours (equal to 120 as there are quarter credit hours) for online psychology students. At the time of enrollment, students make a course plan with the help of an advisor to ensure the university that they will complete all five required course areas.

As the university demands 65 credit hours for major psychology subjects, it is the only university to have 65 major hours. 48 hours for baccalaureate core, 15 to 24 credit hours for BA or BS course and 15 hours for liberal arts.

There are 4 different start time for online students throughout the year. Transfer students are also allowed but they have to pass 75 credit hours in OSU.

The program includes following psychology bachelor online degree courses:

  • Abnormal Psychology
  • General Psychology
  • Cognition
  • Brain and Behavior
  • Social Psychology
  • Human Lifespan Development
  • Research Methods in Psychology
  • Personality
  1. Florida International University (Miami, Florida)

Florida International University

Florida International University offers affordable online courses for distance students including psychology bachelor online degree. The FIU is a way to get degree in affordable price. A distance student can save thousands of dollars while getting the coaching from same mentor as the regular students.

According to FIU requirements, 120 credit hours are compulsory for 4 years online degree. FIU has a little bit different criteria as major prerequisites have 12 credit hours but research work requires 10 credit hours. 2 credit hours are devoted for career development and 36 for major coursework.

Students are asked to select their 15 credit hours from following subjects:

Development, cognitive and neuroscience, applied, social and clinical/personality.

University criteria prepares the students to study next level and to invent something new. The reason behind this is university has 10 credit hours for research work. Research work is the basic thing to study next and to invent something new.

The program includes following psychology online degree courses:

  • Psychological Testing
  • Neuropsychology
  • Cognitive Processes
  • Introduction to Social Psychology
  • Memory and Memory Improvement
  • Psychology Career Development
  • Psychopathology
  • Psychology of Aging
  • Psychology Career Development
  • Psychology Methods/Analysis I
  • Psychology Methods/Analysis II
  1. University of Massachusetts–Lowell (Lowell, Massachusetts)

University of Massachusetts–Lowell

UMass Lowell offers the degree of online bachelor degree of arts in psychology. UMass targets those students who are job holders or those who belong to a poor family. The reason is that the university aims to educate people. University allows the students to access the course through Blackboard LMS, online learning platform of university.

Blackboard LMS platform allows curious students to have an overview of the course. Online students can get admission around the whole year in fall, spring and summer. University has a favor for students that they can access technical help 24/7 by the academic advisors and program coordinators.

University has fixed 120 credit hours for a bachelor in psychology. General education requires a variety of psychology-specific courses, seminars, and electives. Higher level elective course include human sexuality, studies about disabilities and psychology and women. The elective subject includes high-level subjects including foreign language.  

Program includes following courses for psychology bachelor online degree:

  • Abnormal Psychology
  • Psychology of Personality
  • Community Psychology
  • Child and Adolescent Development
  • Social Psychology
  • Research I: Methods
  • Research II: Statistics
  1. University of North Dakota (Grand Forks, North Dakota)

University of North Dakota

The University of North Dakota is offering more than 50 online courses including psychology online bachelor degree. The best thing about the University of Dakota is that it offers the same fee for the regular and online student. This is why it is one of the best university for those students who have a middle class family background.

Fall, spring and summer camps are available for distance students. The complete degree is online and the students are connected through virtual classrooms. Students occasionally participate in a live web discussion. They can also get prerecord lectures and also can access learning material easily.

UND award degree after 125 credit hours while most universities offer this in 120 credit hours. 36 credit hours carries major coursework, it includes foreign language and two science labs. Major courses also include perception, professional development and ethics, and diversity of psychology.

The program include following psychology online courses:

  • History and Systems of Psychology
  • Psychology and Law
  • Industrial and Organizational Psychology
  • Behavior Modification and Therapy
  • Biological Bases of Behavior
  • Abnormal Psychology
  1. LeTourneau University (Longview, Texas)

LeTourneau University

LeTourneau University is offering many online programs including psychology bachelor online degree. The program allows distance learners to earn their degree faster than face to face program. An online degree from Letourneau University prepares the students to enter in psychology fields like counseling, social work, and ministry.

University criteria include 120 credit hours for an online psychology degree. 42 credit hours are of major subjects and 52 credit hours for general education coursework. 12credit hours are for theology and vocational work and 16 hours for elective subjects.

LETU has more interesting subjects as compared to other universities. The courses in theology and vocational requirements is especially for Christian life as it includes biblical literature. Students have opportunities to explore subjects like personality theory and human growth.

LETU encourages the students to take an interest in marriage and family therapy or professional counseling to take elective courses like marriage and family and group therapy.

LETU offers following online psychology courses for this program:

  • Theories and Techniques of Counseling
  • Physiological Psychology
  • Tests and Measurements
  • Professions in Psychology
  • Social Psychology
  • Personality Theory
  • Abnormal Psychology
  • History and Systems of Psychology
  • Learning and Cognition
  • Human Growth and Development
  1. University of Memphis–UM Online (Memphis, Tennessee)

University of Memphis–UM Online

The University of Memphis-UM based in Memphis, Tennessee, offers 60 different online programs including psychology bachelor online degree. Like some other universities, psychology online degree needs a total of 120 credit hours. Total 35 credit hours are for major coursework. 41 credit hours for general education requirements and six to nine hours are for Bachelor of Arts requirements.

It is compulsory for the psychology students to take at least one subject from each of the following areas. Social and developmental basis of behavior, cognitive and neuroscientific basis of behavior and applications of behavior. 24 credit hour then have to spend on these courses:

  • Behavioral Neuroscience
  • General Psychology
  • Cognitive Science

Students have to take 2 labs for each subject. During their last year, they have to take a field test which is sometimes called as house job.

The program includes following psychology bachelor online program:

  • Health Psychology
  • General Psychology
  • Child Psychology
  • Careers in Psychology
  • Animal Behavior
  • Intro to Clinical Psychology
  • Thinking/Cognitive Processes
  • Social Psychology
  • Physiological Psychology
  1. Northeastern University (Boston, Massachusetts)

Northeastern University

Northeastern University based in Boston, Massachusetts offers more than 50 online programs including online psychology program. The university has a rule that all the students have to complete path NU path requirements. NU path requirements are 10 general competencies which are planned to make the students more successful in life.

These competencies make the students global-minded. The students must have to complete all the competencies which include writing across the audience, analyzing and using data and understanding culture. Some courses include more than one competencies.

If we talk about the credit hours of major subjects then students have to pass 31 credit hours. Major Coursework includes social sciences, math, biology, information technology, and management.

21 credit hours required for an online psychology degree in major courses while total credit hours are 120. These credit hours include psychology major subjects like research, human behavior, cognition and development, and final year project. Elective subjects are also included in course.

This program include following psychology online courses:

  • Social Psychology
  • Sensation and Perception
  • Research in Psychology
  • Abnormal Psychology
  • Development Across the Life Span
  • Cognition and Language
  • Human Behavior in the Social Environment

Northeastern University welcomes transfer students but these students must have to complete 60 credit form this university which means half of the degree. It means if someone is willing for the 4-year program then he can transfer himself before the 5th semester. University allows the students to enroll in the fall, spring, or summer semester.

  1. University of Central Florida (Orlando, Florida)

University of Central Florida

The University of Central Florida is one of the most famous universities for psychology bachelor online degree. It is ranked no. 2 for online courses. The best thing about this university is that its online courses fee is less than the fee in for the students studying on campus. This policy of the management allows the students outside of the state to study the same course as the students residing in the state at an affordable price.

The degree of the UCF is famous as most of the students start working in counseling, administration, and mental health care units after getting a degree. It shows the preparation of the students and the hard work of the faculty. Students can earn a psychology bachelor online degree in 2 years and 4 years. Mostly, students prefer 4 years course.

Core courses have 31 credit hours in which 12 credit hours courses are elective. Elective courses include 1 course in diversity elective and 4 courses in the track, 1 credit hour for foreign language and remaining 6 credit hours for math and science courses. All students have to select 1 of the given 6 major courses:

  • Clinical
  • Experimental
  • General
  • Neuroscience
  • Human Factors
  • Industrial/Organizational

The program includes given psychology bachelor online degree courses:

  • Statistical Methods in Psychology
  • Physiological Psychology
  • Social Psychology
  • History and Systems of Psychology
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Research Methods in Psychology
  • Cognitive psychology
  • Psychology: Career Readiness

Students are able to start their work after bachelor from UCF because university provides scholarships, internships and research work related to the field of study.

  1. University of Florida (Gainesville, Florida)

University of Florida

The University of Florida which is based in Gainesville offers valuable, affordable and high quality 20 major online degree programs. Students like this university online courses more than any other university. The reason is that online degree programs of UF cost much lower as compare to the residential programs. When the students complete the program, they are ready to enter in the field of professionals.

The psychology faculty of UF is an expert in their field. The university allows the students to approach the same faculty and course online as residential students. It allows the students to save their hostel fee and residential expenses.

To get the psychology online bachelor degree from the University of Florida, 120 credit hours of course, are compulsory. 30 credit hours include math, statistic, and biological science along with psychology course. It is compulsory for the students to have 18 credit hours out of 30 in UF but they can also transfer the remaining credit hours from other universities.

This program includes following psychology bachelor online courses:

  • Abnormal Psychology
  • Cognitive Psychology
  • Comparative Psychology
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Physiological Psychology
  • Principles of Behavior Analysis
  • Social Psychology



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