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How to say Hello in Japanese

How to Say Hello in Japanese

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

How to Say Hello in Japanese: Saying hello in Japanese is an essential part of any introduction or conversation. Whether you are traveling to Japan or simply interested in the Japanese language and culture, learning how to say hello is a great place to start. Here’s a guide on how to say hello in Japanese.

  1. Konnichiwa (こんにちは) Konnichiwa is the most commonly used greeting in Japanese and is used to say “hello” or “good afternoon.” It’s appropriate to use any time from late morning until evening. Pronounce it as “koh-nee-chee-wah.”
  2. Ohayou Gozaimasu (おはようございます) Ohayou Gozaimasu is the formal greeting used to say “good morning” in Japanese. It’s appropriate to use until around 10:00 a.m. Pronounce it as “oh-hah-yoh goh-zah-ee-mahss.”
  3. Konbanwa (こんばんは) Konbanwa is used to say “good evening” in Japanese. It’s appropriate to use after the sun has set. Pronounce it as “kohn-bahn-wah.”
  4. Moshi Moshi (もしもし) Moshi Moshi is used when answering the phone in Japanese. It’s equivalent to saying “hello” when answering a call. Pronounce it as “moh-shee moh-shee.”
  1. Hajimemashite (はじめまして) Hajimemashite is a formal greeting used when meeting someone for the first time. It’s equivalent to saying “Nice to meet you” in English. Pronounce it as “hah-jee-meh-mah-shee-teh.”
  2. Ogenki desu ka? (お元気ですか) Ogenki desu ka is a common phrase used to ask “how are you?” in Japanese. Pronounce it as “oh-gen-kee dess kah.”

In conclusion, learning how to say hello in Japanese is an essential part of communication in Japanese culture. It’s important to understand the appropriate time and context to use each greeting. With practice and persistence, you can learn to use these greetings with confidence and ease.

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